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SupplyTrends Software Corp provides consulting services related the selection, design, development and implementation of enterprise distribution applications that deal with warehouse management, order fulfillment, and distribution planning.  SupplyTrends can provide unparalleled expertise with real-time information systems and data interchange solutions with the major ERP vendors.  The principal partners have developed and implemented Warehouse Management Systems for many Fortune 500 companies, with an emphasis on consumers products and retail distributors.

SupplyTrends Vision

Provide services and software, specializing in warehouse management systems that are deployed quickly, operate robustly and can be maintained at a low-cost such that their customers realize a competitive cost advantage in the distribution of their products.

SupplyTrends Mission

Create a high-tech company of experienced and accomplished professionals that is nationally recognized as providing high-value consulting services and software products and to be a leader in standardization of secure, inter-company data interchange over the Internet.

SupplyTrends Plan

SupplyTrends is currently seeking opportunities that will enable it to build a reputation in the distribution and logistics industry that is unparalleled by other independent consultants and implementers of warehouse management systems.  To achieve its vision, SupplyTrends is also seeking partnerships with WMS software vendors that will make it possible for SupplyTrends to offer optimal solutions for its customers that will best meet their needs.

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 Site Last Updated: 01/24/2000